1. What is a Zombie?
"This isn't the Republicans versus the Democrats, where we're in a hole economically or... or we're in another war. This is more crucial than that. This is down to the line, folks, this is down to the line. There can be no more divisions among the living!" Doctor Millard Rausch from
Dawn of the Dead (1978).
Many an unenlightened individual has asked this question at one point and some even assume the definition to simply refer to a "zombie" as being an "undead being." This isn't entirely true. The origin of the zombie or Zombi comes from a Voodoo belief that the undead will eventually walk this earth.
The word "Zombi" is actually a variation on a name for the Voodoo god Damballah. In the Voodoo religion, a powerful "Boker" or necromancer gains control of a dead individual and controls the will of the Zombi.
As most of you are aware, this means that a Zombi cannot move beyond what it is physically capable of. Which means they are not fast and lack most of their muscle control. A Boker simply controls the
will of the Zombi, not so much the undead flesh.
2. What is an "Infected"?
Here is where many people get the definition of a zombie incorrect: An "infected" is just that- an infected! This concept is a recent phenomenon and, honestly, is a perversion of the original Zombi stories from traditional Voodoo. However, the concept of the infected is probably all the more likely given this day in age- with overpopulation, disease, and harmful chemicals in our food, water and air.
Generally, like with their zombie counterparts, the infected will have the same limitations to their movement. However, it
may still be possible for the infected to maintain their muscle structure since they are not undead (normally...). Take for example, the zombies from Valve's
Left 4 Dead series. These creatures are infected and are only decomposing slowly rather than already being made of dead flesh. Because of this, they move swiftly and have the same strength as they were before the infection.
3. What are the "Mutated"?
Another subject in the ever growing "zombie pop-culture" is that of mutated infected. Since this is a disease or bacteria, the possibility of mutations occurring is highly likely. However, at the rate in which it is normally depicted is not probable. Mutations normally occur after long periods of time and once the cells have adapted to the changing environment.
In most of our scenarios, doctors and scientists will have more than likely already found either a cure or a vaccine for the infection before any mutations occur. If not the willpower of man, the flux and pull of our world will correct itself in due time and produce it's own vaccine- although this is a very optimistic way of thinking.
4. How can we fight them off?
This is where your zombie plans will come into play: First and foremost, you need to do your research. The team here at WeComePrepared will be posting a To Do List and a Required Reading Material post that will be linked to every post and can also be easily found within the archives.
From here on out, the WeComePrepared team will come up with randomized scenarios that we will post and we will include our own input on how to survive using our own real world knowledge and experiences. You, the viewer will have the opportunity to find loop holes that need patching and so on and so forth through the use of the comments.
We hope to hear your input and your viable arguments. Remember, in the Zombocalypse,
no one person is wrong and no one person is right. That's why blogs such as this and teams such as WeComePrepared exist.
We hope that this post clarified some confusion on the various undead creatures and myths. We will be posting more in depth articles on the three previously mentioned and on any variant that you mention in the comments.
Keep safe, kids.
The Team of WeComePrepared