Quarantine is a movie about a television show host who is shadowing the fire department. While filming, the department receives a phone call and rush to aid an elderly woman who had reportedly screamed but no one could get into the room to see what had happened. This scenario is not to be confused with its counterpart REC- the Spanish film that Quarantine was a remake of. Though they are the same story, the origin of the zombies is not the same in both movies.
We will be using our Zombie Plan Template for this scenario.
The "Quarantine" Scenario:
While reading up on some classic zombie material in your cozy little Spanish themed apartment, you hear the old lady upstairs scream followed by a loud thump. You find this disconcering and so do the rest of the people living in the complex. The building manager calls the authorities and a group of firefighters followed by a pretty girl and her camera man walk onto the scene. Upon breaking down the door they find the old woman- Miss Espinoza. To your astonishment she seems very pale, her eyes are clouded and red in color and she has a very sluggish walk. SHE IS A ZOMBIE!
- Number 1: What is your enemy? INFECTED
In the beginning it is unclear but you are later given the hypothesis that each person is infected with a mutated species of Rabies.
a. Are they intelligent? Yes. They all have basic tool use and are capable of cornering and isolating you.
b. Where has it started and where is it spreading? The government has quarantined the building in order to maintain the mutated Rabies virus. As far as you know, it is isolated in your apartment complex and it started with that old lady.
c. Are there any known weaknesses? Blunt force trauma seems to do best against them. Bullets have virtually no effect on them as demonstrated by Miss Espinoza who has two clips shot into her and she's still moving. These zombies are also easy to recognize because their eyes are red.
- Number 2: Where are you located? Apartment Complex
a. Note the advantages of each room.
Each apartment has locks on the doors, there are wide open areas in the entrance, multiple levels which can be reached by stairs or an elevator and easy ways to isolate the zombie menace. The stairs can be defended and there is a sliding garage door which can be used to temporarily block them off and at least buy you some time.
b. Note the disadvantages of each room.
You are limited in both space and supplies.
c. How can you defend the area?
So long as you acted quickly, you could isolate all of the zombies in one part of the building. Depending on where you are isolating them determines how long that'll last.
d. Do you have sufficient supplies and rations?
Absolutely not. You are limited to what was in your fridge at the time which can be anything from fully stocked to nothing at all. So long as your water supply wasn't cut off, you can just fast until the quarantine is taken off of the building but that'll only last so long and it will leave you weak against the zombies. You could raid other apartments for supplies but that leaves you open to the potential threats.
e. Do you have weapons?
Yes. You have two police officers with a standard issue pistol and limited ammunition, a firefighter with a sledgehammer and there are probably other blunt objects around the complex including tools and emergency hatchets. The only weapon that would require any skill to use would be the guns.
f. If you were to leave to find a better base of operations, where would you go?
Getting away is not possible. If you were to try and escape the building, the authorities would shoot you on sight- whether you were infected or not. There are snipers surveying all of the doors and windows and the building is wrapped in plastic to contain the virus.
- Number 3: Who would you want in your party?
- Number 4: Are communications down?
- Number 5: Where do you want to end up?
Well, it's obviously NOT safe in that apartment complex. You're best bet it to barricade yourself in your apartment with your allies and wait for help because the authorities aren't going to let you leave and probably aren't going to help you.
Pretty much, it all boils down to how quickly you act. There is decent breathing room and plenty of time for you to secure the area. So long as people listen to you precious advice, then you should be fine. You're limited to the people in the building so keeping track of the number of zombies shouldn't be too difficult. Just keep in mind that this is mutated rabies and can and does infect animals.... including the rats....

Send us your comments and suggestions for future scenarios or send us an e-mail.
Keep safe, kids.
The Team of WeComePrepared