We came across a few websites full of zombie related material that we wanted to share with you.

A pretty awesome website when you want to kill some time and kill zombies all at once. We think we may have wasted away a few hours trying to figure out the geometry for Flaming Zombooka which is currently on the front page.
Zombie Games is mostly set up for flash games however you can also vote on some T-shirt designs and buy a few things from their store including an inflatable whack-a-zombie (The people who own these are "awesome" and the toy is what we refer to as "target practice").
The T-shirts are a bit mediocre and only revolve around the zombie characters created for the website itself. You also should register because then if you want to buy one of their shirts you get 10% off and you are automatically entered into all of the flash contests which we assume the only prize for is being able to post "ohshatIwon!" without looking like too much of a douche (but you still look like a douche). Then again, we could be wrong. Maybe the prize is more sock filtered water. You can never have too much sock filtered water!
The site essentially has all of the same games as Kongregate and Newgrounds but Zombie Games just puts all of the zombie related games under one domain name and we think that is awesome.

We came across this one mostly because the Rogue thought their site logo was pretty cool. This website is full of everything zombie game related: zombie news, discussion boards, downloadable content, the works. Honestly, this should have been at the top of the page just because it has everything. Pretty awesome if we don't say so ourselves.

Last, and not least (and also has a kick-ass site logo). Zombie Books houses a rather short list of zombie related reading material however, in all reality, how much of the zombie related books out there are actually good? With that said, Zombie Books also has a page dedicated to book reviews as well as a bookstore. All of which are located at the top of the website.
Pretty awesome, huh?
Keep safe, kids.
The Team of WeComePrepared