Monday, October 26, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
H1N1- Potential Zombie Outbreak?
You've all heard of the H1N1 Virus (better known as Swine Flu), right? We've all heard about how contagious this virus can be and how we need to try and distance ourselves away from its potential threat. Especially since the death toll has risen over the thousands.
As of this morning, President Barack Hussein Obama (we like saying his full name because it rolls off the tongue nicely. Especially if you add a Southern twang) declared the outbreak "a national emergency." Obama has given hospitals the A-OK stamp to move infected patients away from the hospitals in order to protect non-infected patients and to better treat these individuals with the H1N1 Virus. There will also be a rise in available vaccine shots that previously were not available.
Of course, this has CONSPIRACY written all over it for some individuals who are convinced that our government is made up of robots created by an evil organization bent on destroying us or that they're super advanced evil aliens. We at team WeComePrepared find this highly improbable despite popular opinion...
We do however want to stress the importance of your health. What if the H1N1 Virus is the prototype for the inevitable "Zombie Virus"? (Which, from here on out, will be called H1N1Z. We would also like to make it a point that there is a difference between "Zombies" and "Zombis" for those of you cackling at your computers thinking we're uneducated on the difference. Read Rule Number 1 for details). Just because we say that the government won't and will not help you in the zombie outbreak, doesn't mean they are out to get us. It just means they're stupid and have too much on their plate to handle. Cut them some slack and work this shit out on your own. Wash your hands, don't cough on people and be considerate.
Stay healthy kids,
The Team of WeComePrepared
As of this morning, President Barack Hussein Obama (we like saying his full name because it rolls off the tongue nicely. Especially if you add a Southern twang) declared the outbreak "a national emergency." Obama has given hospitals the A-OK stamp to move infected patients away from the hospitals in order to protect non-infected patients and to better treat these individuals with the H1N1 Virus. There will also be a rise in available vaccine shots that previously were not available.
Of course, this has CONSPIRACY written all over it for some individuals who are convinced that our government is made up of robots created by an evil organization bent on destroying us or that they're super advanced evil aliens. We at team WeComePrepared find this highly improbable despite popular opinion...
We do however want to stress the importance of your health. What if the H1N1 Virus is the prototype for the inevitable "Zombie Virus"? (Which, from here on out, will be called H1N1Z. We would also like to make it a point that there is a difference between "Zombies" and "Zombis" for those of you cackling at your computers thinking we're uneducated on the difference. Read Rule Number 1 for details). Just because we say that the government won't and will not help you in the zombie outbreak, doesn't mean they are out to get us. It just means they're stupid and have too much on their plate to handle. Cut them some slack and work this shit out on your own. Wash your hands, don't cough on people and be considerate.
Stay healthy kids,
The Team of WeComePrepared
National Emergency,
Friday, October 23, 2009
Chemical Burn

The senior member of our team and demolitions expert has created a separate blog on our profile dedicated to making things go boom!
If you ever have hopes of surviving the zombiocalypse, we suggest consulting her.
It's obviously a new blog so post comments and ideas.
Keep safe, kids.
The Team of WeComePrepared
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Rule Number 2: Know Your Surroundings

A follow-up of Rule Number 1: Know Thine Enemy
Now, this may seem like an obvious rule, but you would be amazed at how many people don't really know all of those details. Do you remember all of those science classes you took in grade school and how the teacher would walk each student through the "Safety Precautions" and would require you to memorize where all of the equipment was? Now, how many of you ever thought "Huh, this might be a good thing for when the zombies come!"? Because we did!
1. Take note of ALL of the Entrances and Exits.
Just because something is not a major entrance such as a door or a window, doesn't mean the zombies won't use it to their advantage. Take, for instance, dry wall. If you live in an unsturdy apartment, its possible for the zombies to just tear through it like paper (That is, assuming they have the physical capabilities). Another entrance that is easily over looked are attic and basement entrances and air ducts. Hopefully you live in one of those older houses that's actually made from quality materials like brick, concrete and stone.
While we're on this subject, let's take a moment to complain, shall we? People are lazy and impatient and that's going to get us killed. Houses are being built over night and its not because we have superhumans building them in the nick of time or that companies have started implementing The Sims in real life, but because we've started using shitty materials. These won't protect us from long term exposure to the elements let alone a horde of zombies! [/rant]
2. Memorize the Building Layout.
When we say "memorize", we bloody well mean memorize! You should be able to walk through the building blindfolded. Because what if the power gets cut out and you don't have a flashlight or other light source? Also, what if you are running from a horde in a panic and aren't really paying attention? Hopefully you can develop enough muscle memory to get through any obstacle.
Consider setting up a game with a few friends: Have your friends dress up as zombies while they chase you around and see if you can out smart and out run them. In the heat of things, you'll see how well you can escape.
3. Take note of ALL of the possible Barricades.
You may even need to take a point in American Ingenuity and BUILD A FAKE WALL.
4. Memorize where all of the Weapons and Rations are as well as other Storage Compartments.
Hope this helps.
Stay safe, kids.
the team of WeComePrepared
[picture by Knaveofclubs]
Upcoming Post: Scenario #1!
How Iconic Movie Characters Would Survive the Zombie Apocalypse
Ever wonder how your favorite movie characters would survive the zombiocalypse? Well, here's a site that gives a few examples such as John McClane, Scarface and even Keven McCallister from Home Alone. How Iconic Movie Characters Would Deal With A Zombie Attack!
Russell Franklin [Deep Blue Sea]

The Set Up
Russell Franklin, a corporate executive for Aquatica's financial department is sent to the facility to learn more about the experiments being held. While observing the doctors and associates, something goes horribly wrong and the sharks retaliate! (They swim backwards for Christ's sake!) And, to top it all off, the victims of these attacks stand up and start roaming around the facility craving human flesh and brains. Oh, and Aquatica is slowly sinking...
Available Weapons
Since Aquatica already had an assortment of weaponry to protect themselves from the threat of the sharks, the facility is decently armed. not to mention the fact that there is plenty of improvised weaponry such as kitchen appliances and gas ovens.
No one. EVERYONE DIES. Including the hot chick... If he's lucky, few unlikely people may survive.
Defensive Situation
It's sort of a win and lose situation. One one hand, the facility is flooding and thus limiting his interaction with the zombies. And, on the other, the facility is flooding and sinking into the ocean and he becomes bait for the highly intelligent sharks with lots and lots of teeth and a thirst for human blood. Did we mention TEETH?!
Mental and Physical Toughness
He's Russell Frankin, what do YOU think? He's known for rescuing people from an avalanche and endured the frozen hell of being trapped in the snow. Even for an older guy, he's still physically capable of taking care of himself.
Final Verdict
Despite many trials and tribulations, Franklin finds himself cornered. On dry land, he's trapped with zombies although they are limited in number, and then there's the water. Franklin has no trouble making the way clear of the zombie threat but he still has to find a way out of the Aquatica facility and will probably still get epically eaten by a shark while giving a speech that you just can't help but stare aghast at the screen for.
Body Count: 6 Dead Zombies, 2 Dead Sharks, 1 Dead Bird
DEAD. That's right. D.E.A.D.
Can you tell that we have a bias towards sharks? I mean if they can kill Mace Windu of all people... then we're doomed. End of story.
How about you, reader? How would your favorite movie character fare in the zombiocalypse? Give us your comments.
Keep safe, kids.
The team of WeComePrepared
Russell Franklin [Deep Blue Sea]

The Set Up
Russell Franklin, a corporate executive for Aquatica's financial department is sent to the facility to learn more about the experiments being held. While observing the doctors and associates, something goes horribly wrong and the sharks retaliate! (They swim backwards for Christ's sake!) And, to top it all off, the victims of these attacks stand up and start roaming around the facility craving human flesh and brains. Oh, and Aquatica is slowly sinking...
Available Weapons
Since Aquatica already had an assortment of weaponry to protect themselves from the threat of the sharks, the facility is decently armed. not to mention the fact that there is plenty of improvised weaponry such as kitchen appliances and gas ovens.
No one. EVERYONE DIES. Including the hot chick... If he's lucky, few unlikely people may survive.
Defensive Situation
It's sort of a win and lose situation. One one hand, the facility is flooding and thus limiting his interaction with the zombies. And, on the other, the facility is flooding and sinking into the ocean and he becomes bait for the highly intelligent sharks with lots and lots of teeth and a thirst for human blood. Did we mention TEETH?!
Mental and Physical Toughness
He's Russell Frankin, what do YOU think? He's known for rescuing people from an avalanche and endured the frozen hell of being trapped in the snow. Even for an older guy, he's still physically capable of taking care of himself.
Final Verdict
Despite many trials and tribulations, Franklin finds himself cornered. On dry land, he's trapped with zombies although they are limited in number, and then there's the water. Franklin has no trouble making the way clear of the zombie threat but he still has to find a way out of the Aquatica facility and will probably still get epically eaten by a shark while giving a speech that you just can't help but stare aghast at the screen for.
Body Count: 6 Dead Zombies, 2 Dead Sharks, 1 Dead Bird
DEAD. That's right. D.E.A.D.
Can you tell that we have a bias towards sharks? I mean if they can kill Mace Windu of all people... then we're doomed. End of story.
How about you, reader? How would your favorite movie character fare in the zombiocalypse? Give us your comments.
Keep safe, kids.
The team of WeComePrepared
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